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Implementation of a Data solution favouring a DataMesh-type organisation in order to give responsibility to the business lines and unify the customer delivery procedures.

Implementation of a Data solution favouring a DataMesh-type organisation in order to give responsibility to the business lines and unify the customer delivery procedures.

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Ayming has over 30 years’ experience in improving the operational and financial performance of companies. With an international presence, it employs over 1,250 people in 14 countries. Ayming wanted to implement a Data Mesh-type solution in order to better control and secure the various tasks carried out by the business lines. The key challenge was to ensure that employees, most of whom were not IT specialists or data scientists, were able to adopt and use the chosen solution.


A multi-language solution, deployable in a private cloud, highly secure to compartmentalise the various Business Units and customer data, easy to use and accessible by its non-technical staff. Speed of implementation before the first high-ROI use cases were implemented was a key issue, because service continuity with their customers could not be slowed down.

How did Adobis Group

The DataChain® solution was deployed in just a few days. The training courses (in English and French) enabled a fair degree of autonomy to be achieved in 2 to 3 days per group of 5 people, a heterogeneous group in terms of skills and technical level.


Phase 1: Support for business units that were less comfortable with the solution reassured them in their ability to use DataChain®. 25 people were trained, to then train their future internal users. Phase 1 lasted around 2 months. Phase 2: Ayming operation is autonomous and the business units produce their own use cases.


Extensive use of isolated Excel files

Dependence on developer expertise (code) for use generation

Dependence of business units on process automation


Optimisation of the time taken to create usages

Business autonomy for complex operations

Centralised data platform

Optimised rights management

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